

Estiven Grueso Mendez Estiven Grueso Mendez

¡Empoderando a los jóvenes de Medellín!

En alianza con la Embajada de Francia en Colombia, 15 jóvenes están participando en “Goles Olímpicos” un programa de formación integral donde están desarrollando habilidades de liderazgo.

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Natalia Barrera Natalia Barrera

From the Field to the Heart: A Success Story ⚽

At FCC, we witness firsthand how soccer can create lasting change, and nowhere is this more apparent than in our partnership with Advenir Living. The transformative power of the game is shining brightly, and we’re seeing it in the smiles of every child who steps onto the field.

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Natalia Barrera Natalia Barrera

Building Community Through Teamwork!

At FCC, we believe in the power of soccer to bring people together—and our Friendsgiving Tournament was a perfect example of that! With the incredible support of our main sponsor, Plei App, and the dedication of our coaches, staff, and players, we created an evening that went beyond the game.

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